Short Term Mission Trips

Hand Delivering Hope to Honduras Since 2000

Lenca Backpacking Mission

Taking the Gospel to Remote Regions of Honduras

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What we do

Reaching The Lenca

For the past ten years LTW has been ministering among the Lenca people. We use short-term mission teams partnered with Honduran missionaries and church planters to open doors for starting evangelical churches in Lenca villages. To learn more about the Lenca people click the button below.

Camps for Orphans

Since 2008, LTW has focused our ministry to orphans around an annual summer camp experience. Through our summer camp ministry we’ve been able to witness life-change among our campers and North American staff. Camp is the highlight of their year.

Dental Ministry

In rural Honduras dental needs are great. We provide comprehensive dental care including extractions, restorations, cleanings and even one-day dentures. If you are a dental professional with a heart to serve the poor, we have a place for your on one of our spring or summer teams.


Our desire is to partner churches with specific villages and orphanages. Partnership in missions helps ensure long-term impact in personal lives and communities. Contact us today in order to learn more about how you and your church can begin partnering with us. 

What People Are Saying About Louder Than Words

“God has used my first mission trip to Honduras with Louder Than Words to confirm his call to international missions on my life. I’m eternally grateful for the ministry of Louder Than Words in my faith journey.” Ben Taylor, Student

Charlotte, NC

“For many years the ministry of Louder Than Words has had a impact on the church I pastor. Moreover, it has had a profound impact on my life personally. I highly recommend this ministry to any pastor considering an international missions partnership.” Josh Glandon, Pastor

Calvary Baptist Church, Gastonia, NC

“I have been on several mission trips with Louder Than Words. Each one was different, but each one had a deep impact on my life. I can’t wait to go back! I love Honduras. I love the Lenca people. I love Louder Than Words.” Destiny Reinhardt, Student

Mansfield, Ohio

“For the past 15 years we have partnered with Louder Than Words to take the gospel to the Lenca. Through those years, countless individuals and communities have been transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this ministry!”

Erick Sanchez, Missionary

La Esperanza, Honduras


Hands-On Ministry

One of our core values is hands-on ministry alongside indigenous people. When we work alongside our new friends, it builds relationships that offer opportunities to share the life-changing message of the gospel. 


With almost 25 years of experience leading mission teams in Honduras, LTW offers peace of mind to team leaders and a history of credible ministry among the people of Honduras. Our track record of missions in Honduras makes us a great choice for your next missions partnership!


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